I am a homeschooler, a runner, a sister, a daughter of God and many more things. This is my blog where I share things that go on in my life. I love Shirley Temple, The Andrews Sisters, Narnia, Gary Cooper, Jimmy Stewart and Lucille Ball.
Not outward beauty nor richness is what the Lord wants from a young lady, but only beauty of the soul and mind.
Praying for my Prince Charming! Even if he isn't a knight or a real prince...
If we always want and seek after what is on the other side or what we don't have and if we get it , we may find that it's not really what we wanted. Because only the Lord can give a us true happiness.
Way to run, AnnaBeth! Now that you have run your first 5K, the next ones will be easier. The nerves will not be so bad next time.